Sirens is a project conceived in 2007 by Greek artist Novi_sad. The title refers to the Greek mythology of these creatures who were portrayed as femmes fatales. Novi_sad has worked with Japanese audiovisual artist Ryoichi Kurokawa to explore the aesthetics of data on complex sound project. The project used sound tracks by 5 musicians and sound artists that represented various stock market crashes including the Black Tuesday in 1929. In words of Novi_sad: “Sirens is an effort to ‘poison’ the ground and this vast pool of information in a world where almost everything equals with a digit.”
The visual compositions has been created by Kurokawa, who constructs architectural environments and digitally generated structures.
The full piece is presented as an HD video and stereo sound audiovisual performance, watch an extract of this work:
Novi_sad’s website with a full story of the project and sound extracts of original recordings.
Kurokawa’s website. Flickr web album by Ryoichi Kurokawa.
Keywords: datavisualisation, audiovisual, soundart, stockmarket
Sirens by Novi_sad & Ryoichi Kurokawa
Pick of the Week #66
Sirens is a project conceived in 2007 by Greek artist Novi_sad. The title refers to the Greek mythology of these creatures who were portrayed as femmes fatales. Novi_sad has worked with Japanese audiovisual artist Ryoichi Kurokawa to explore the aesthetics of data on complex sound project. The project used sound tracks by 5 musicians and sound artists that represented various stock market crashes including the Black Tuesday in 1929. In words of Novi_sad: “Sirens is an effort to ‘poison’ the ground and this vast pool of information in a world where almost everything equals with a digit.”
The visual compositions has been created by Kurokawa, who constructs architectural environments and digitally generated structures.
The full piece is presented as an HD video and stereo sound audiovisual performance, watch an extract of this work:
Sirens from RYOICHI KUROKAWA on Vimeo.
Novi_sad’s website with a full story of the project and sound extracts of original recordings.
Kurokawa’s website.
Flickr web album by Ryoichi Kurokawa.
Keywords: datavisualisation, audiovisual, soundart, stockmarket