sketchPatch LiveCodeLab

sketchPatch LiveCodeLab

Pick of the week #68

Last week we visited the sketchPatch coding lab a the Mozilla Festival: Livecodelab a the place where you can make 3D visuals and sound on the fly as you type simple instructions. Yes on the fly in your browser, pretty amazing. Have a play with it here, the tutorials are good to get started.
Here is an example and a live session:

LiveCode_test from P&A LAB on Vimeo.

We would love to see more examples of Livecodelab sessions, share your best session!

sketchPad is a place to play with programming in an easy and fun way. You can write your own programmes, share them and collaborate with other people. The programming language used is processing and the code is open source available to anyone.

sketchPatch is founded by:
Davide Della Casa | @davidedc
Sophie McDonald | @sketchPatch

Livecodelab link:

There are over 500 sketches already on their website. We look forward to the development of this project in the context of live audiovisual performances.

Follow sketchPatch on twitter.

Keywords: #livecoding #audiovisual

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